In April, UNC honored six alumni who have distinguished themselves as leaders in their careers and communities and whose service and dedication 去大学 inspires 到处都是熊.
Since 1947, the university has honored outstanding alumni and friends whose service 成就体现了大学追求卓越的传统. 校友会 颁发皇冠app官方版下载荣誉校友奖——毕业生可以获得的最高荣誉 每年颁发给毕业生,以表彰他们在事业上的成功和对社会服务的承诺 去大学.
迪莉娅·海菲利,m.s.A. ’90
迪莉娅·海菲利,m.s.A. 90年代,是格里利著名的志愿者和慈善家 社区. 她在鼓舞和激励未来的领导者方面发挥着积极的作用 by sponsoring the Junior Board for the Success Foundation, volunteering as a court-appointed special advocate for children in foster care, serving as a member of a women’s group 该公司支持女性接受教育,并希望成为美国年轻人的导师 男孩女孩俱乐部.
迪莉娅和她的丈夫约翰. 海菲利,86年,也参与了联合国军的活动 社区.
作为熊队的狂热粉丝,他们会参加所有能参加的北卡大学的体育赛事. 作为之前 educator, watching former students play sports at UNC makes it even more fun for the 哈菲利斯站出来表示支持. 参加学院举办的演出 of Performing and Visual Arts program holds a similar personal connection for Delia 因为她以前的一些学生就读于皇冠app官方版下载艺术专业.
Staying well-connected to her alma mater by supporting the university and her former 迪莉娅天生就是学生.
在成长过程中,迪莉娅和约翰都得到了社区里人们的帮助. 现在,她 feels a strong responsibility to do the same for those who may not have the opportunities 她做了. 通过创建一个捐赠奖学金,海菲利的慷慨和承诺将 在未来的岁月里,许多人都会感受到他.
小保罗·麦克雷·海德格尔., Ph.D.芭芭拉·海斯洛普·海德格尔,1963年
小保罗·麦克雷·海德格尔., Ph.D.1963年的芭芭拉·希斯洛普·海德格尔(Barbara Hyslop Heidger)遇到了第一个 day of class while participating in (then Colorado State College’s) first Honors program 队列. 在皇冠app官方版下载期间,保罗和芭芭拉都是荣誉项目的积极成员 并与他们的教授和同学保持密切联系. 保罗 fond memories of engaging with peers from different departments and stepping outside 他的舒适区. 他们还都参加了联合校园基督教团契, attending weekly meetings and participating in local and intrastate service projects.
Barbara was very focused on and skilled at supporting people who were disadvantaged 在她的职业生涯中. 同时在哥伦比亚大学攻读研究生学位 芭芭拉参加了一个名为东非教师的项目 enabled her to travel to Kenya to teach at the Kericho Secondary School for Boys and 研究一个新兴独立国家的政党发展.
Paul pursued a successful career in teaching and research in reproductive and cancer 细胞生物学. 在他任职期间,他被提名并获得了许多奖项 爱荷华大学卡弗医学院. 保罗在医学教育方面的专长 在与皇冠app官方版下载的创始院长提供建议和合作时,证明了他的宝贵价值 建议骨科医学院,博士. 贝丝Longenecker.
保罗的遗产是通过奖学金捐赠回馈大学 supporting Honors students studying science and another scholarship honoring Barbara’s 支持学生学习国际关系的记忆.
受托人斯蒂芬·乔丹博士.D., ’71
Joining the Men’s Rugby Club, Jordan immersed himself in the sport and gained a group 包括肯特·斯托弗在内的朋友. 作为一名政治科学专业的活跃学生 government, Jordan took Stoffer up on his offer to run his campaign for student body 总统. 他在政府和政界的事业开始腾飞.
Jordan was appointed to 一个学生 government office after Stoffer’s win, which paved the way for Jordan to gain career-altering experiences that affected him beyond graduation. 在获得公共管理硕士学位和公共学博士学位后 Policy, both from the University of Colorado at Denver and receiving an honorary doctorate degree from University of Pecs in Hungary, Jordan was hired into his first 总统ial 在东华盛顿大学的职位.
乔丹改变了一所长期的通勤大学,在那里大多数学生开车 30 minutes from Spokane to Cheney rather than live on campus, into a thriving university 校园社区里住满了学生宿舍. 大学也成了培养人才的地方 在乔丹担任总统期间,西雅图海鹰队的所在地.
After his time at Eastern Washington, Jordan returned to Colorado to become 总统 丹佛大都会州立大学. 在约旦的领导下, 这所大学在缩小教育程度差距方面取得了重大进展 针对拉丁裔学生,特别是那些没有证件的学生.
皇冠app官方版下载很荣幸有乔丹在其董事会任职. 他带来了独特的视角 to the board as an alumnus, a champion of social issues that directly affect UNC students 作为一名大学校长,他成功地改变了两个人 大学成为创新和社区的中心.
What 贾马尔·拉明,06年, valued most about his time on UNC’s campus was the strong 他找到了社区意识.
作为一名学生,Rahming从第一天起就积极投入. 他曾担任…的总裁 the Black Student Union and participated in the Center for Human Enrichment (CHE), 麦克奈尔学者计划,历史和非洲研究系以及 马库斯·加维文化中心. Rahming最美好的回忆是与一生的朋友在一起 he made through these student groups, cultural centers and departments and programs.
As a McNair Scholar, Rahming discovered and explored the life of Willie May Ford Smith,
一位当时鲜为人知的革命福音歌手. 他甚至去旅行
到多个州去了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装史密斯的情况. 这段经历灌输给了拉明
今天, Rahming has become a passionate champion of humanities education and public 图书馆,他在那里建立了一个成功的事业,他对这个事业充满热情. As he describes it, the humanities help us understand one another, and the public library 系统提供了宝贵的知识来源,以激起人们的好奇心和 培养兴趣.
As executive director of the Wilmington Institute Free 图书馆 in Wilmington, Delaware, Rahming has made a point of encouraging critical thinking among his patrons and 社区. 为了做到这一点,他邀请了各种各样的、鼓舞人心的、多样化的演讲嘉宾 更有争议性和挑衅性的是,提供获取信息的途径 这鼓励人们批判性地思考和考虑不同的观点 然后决定他们相信什么. 这是拉明热爱人文学科的核心所在 and public libraries is the intellectual freedom they foster and ultimately enriches 文化. 这种创新的思维和激情使Rahming如此有价值 皇冠app官方版下载社区的一员,也是学生们有趣的榜样.
76岁的凯瑟琳·西尔斯(Kathleen Sears)一直都知道自己想接受教育. 她一走 一踏上皇冠app官方版下载校园,她就有了宾至如归的感觉.
学习新的教学方法让西尔斯大开眼界. 她在皇冠app官方版下载的教育让她受益匪浅 her how to be an effective teacher, something she attributes to her success in the 教室.
After five years of teaching middle school, Sears took a break to become a radio producer 与KUNC FM合作. 在广播电台,她得到了难得的见面和采访的机会 all kinds of people and even worked as a substitute announcer on the popular NPR news 计划, 全盘考虑在决定重返课堂之前,这次是作为一名研究生.
After Sears earned her master’s degree in Journalism with a focus on broadcast management from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1994, she was hired as an instructional 他是当时领先的企业培训公司CareerTrack的设计师. 西尔斯产生 audio and video training for adults and corporations, combining her past 教室 她在电台工作的经历. 最终,西尔斯离开了CareerTrack 她拥有一家成功的企业商业培训公司——TreeLine training. 之前 2007年出售.
Thanks to the incredible success Sears and her husband, Jim Helgoth, have experienced throughout their lives, they created an award to recognize outstanding UNC professors. 这个奖项是不寻常的,因为接受者必须用它来做一些有趣的事情,比如 全家去纽约旅行,一位前获奖者很喜欢. 多年来,西尔斯和 Helgoth have been generous with their substantial support and encouragement of both 大学的教师和学生.
Throughout Jill Trotter’s, ’87, UNC experience and into her adult life, staying involved with the university has been something that has helped her feel connected to her 社区.
由于父母都是熊,在成为熊之前,特罗特就对校园生活感到很舒服 一个学生. 她的家人喜欢来皇冠app官方版下载观看许多体育赛事和戏剧 每年. 这对他们来说是一种怀旧的经历,尤其是因为特罗特的父母 first met on Hi Bridge, UNC’s historic and beloved bridge that led to the tradition 用亲切的“嗨”来问候朋友或陌生人.”
Both of Trotter’s parents were actively involved in Greek life at UNC, and she followed 跟随他们的脚步. 加入Alpha Phi,她结交了一生的朋友,并加入了一个社区 几十年来,她一直与她亲密无间.
Volunteering as the UNC Alpha Phi chapter recruitment advisor for 24 years, Trotter
对数百名女性的生活产生了积极影响. 她的目标是帮助妇女
graduate with a positive self-image, develop the habit of giving back to the 社区
除了她多年的服务,Trotter和她的家人是慈善事业 invested in numerous areas across campus including raising funds to support female 学生运动员参加一年一度的女子竞走.
After retiring from her role as advisor to Alpha Phi, Trotter volunteered her time 皇冠app官方版下载校友会成员. 她记得,这是一次特别痛苦的经历 她父亲小时候参加校友会的经历. 这是一个值得骄傲的时刻 当她成为董事会主席时. 被命名为荣誉校友有额外的好处 因为她的父亲在1973年自豪地获得了同样的奖项.